Thailand Tourists Threatened With Death Penalty Over Airplane Selfies

Planes arriving over the water landing on runway 9 cross Mai Khao beach (known as ‘unseen Phuket’), and it’s become popular to take selfies as aircraft approach.

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Понадобилось больше часа и десять самолётов, чтобы сделать эти фото 😅🛫 ⠀ За это время я сгорела больше чем за все 11 дней проведённые в Тайланде)💁🏿‍♀️ ⠀ Если приедете на пляж с самолётами и готовы ждать красивый кадр, берите кремов по больше, т.к спрятаться негде (до ближайших деревьев бежать долго, сфотографировать самолёт не успеете, мы проверили на себе 😅 ⠀ Тайцы берут за вход на этот пляж 200 бат с человека❗️поэтому стройте себе маршрут до гостиницы “Centara”. Там вход бесплатный, на байке можно доехать прямиком до пляжа со взлетной полосой✈️🏝 #travel #trip #phuket #thailand #пхукет #maikhaobeach #тайланд

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Concerned over safety as tourists attempt to approach the aircraft, the airport is building out a new ‘safety zone’ near the runway. They’re also warning that entering this zone will be punishable to the greatest extent permitted by law: the death penalty. Tourist actions, from selfies to flying drones, can also create hazards for planes and they take this seriously.

Any behavior that causes disturbances to landing aircraft and endangers passengers faces severe punishment under the Air Navigation Act. “The maximum penalty is the death sentence,” added [deputy Phuket airport chief Wichit Kaeothaithiam].

Jail time and fines are also possible — and strike me as far more likely. A total of at least 259 people have died worldwide since 2011 while taking selfies.

(HT: Tommy L)

About Gary Leff

Gary Leff is one of the foremost experts in the field of miles, points, and frequent business travel - a topic he has covered since 2002. Co-founder of frequent flyer community, emcee of the Freddie Awards, and named one of the "World's Top Travel Experts" by Conde' Nast Traveler (2010-Present) Gary has been a guest on most major news media, profiled in several top print publications, and published broadly on the topic of consumer loyalty. More About Gary »

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  1. I understand drones but how is it dangerous to be on the ground with a cell phone camera? There’s that island in the Caribbean where people do the same thing….

  2. As usual a massive over-reaction by the military junta of Thailand, bloody fools. Why does anyone support that dictatorship? Death penalty… yeah right!! LOL. Dickheads.

  3. I bet Gary had to look at that photo a really long time before realizing there was a Plane in the photo! 😉

  4. Only Thai despots could come up with the idea that the solution for tourist safety is to execute tourists.

  5. This is another overreaction by the military government. Those who get caught will probably only be fined 5000 baht, if this is even enforced.

  6. I bet the pilots are more distracted by the girls on the beach if they all wear bikini bottoms like that than they are by male tourists snapping selfies!

  7. So, are Thai authorities investigating whether that poor woman got her right hand caught in the turbine blades? Because they sound stupid enough to think that.

  8. LOL. Robbo, people don’t get to support or not support a dictatorship. That’s why they’re called dictators. They dictate.

  9. May be fun to pose and take those pictures but the trailing plumes of jet fuel exhaust from those engines, is it a good idea to be under them?

  10. I’ve been to that beach last year. Long walk to get to and not really a good beach, aside from the plane spotting. Even if they close down the beach around the airport one can still take a good picture from a bit of a distance.
    The beach south of it (Sirinat national park) is a gem though, my favorite beach in Phuket. It was the only beach in the whole island where I saw locals. Also saw a wedding photoshoot taking place against the sunset and drank/ate the best/biggest coconut I’ve ever seen.

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