Why Airlines Should Charge Passengers to Use the Lavatory

Dec 01 2018

Whenever Ryanair is out of the news their CEO Michael O’Leary talks about making passengers stand (to cram more people onto planes) and making them pay to use the lavatory. In the U.S. pay toilets are illegal in many states but those prohibitions wouldn’t apply to airlines since they’d be pre-empted by the federal Airline Deregulation Act.

UK pay toilets are often cleaner than free ones. Would airlines charging for lavatories give us better lavatories? Would they give us bigger lavatories since they’d become a profit center?

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If You Can’t Stand Each Other Please Don’t Fly Together

police on airline cabin
Nov 30 2018

Right before Thanksgiving an American Airlines flight from Washington DC to Los Angeles had to divert when a husband and wife wouldn’t stop fighting. A flight attendant separated them, moving the husband to the back of the aircraft. However his wife followed and things escalated. I figured the guy must’ve said the wrong thing about his mother-in-law.

Now it seems another couple fought on board an American Airlines flight on Wednesday and caused the pilot to divert.

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Donald Trump’s Plane Got Whacked at New York LaGuardia

trump on letterman
Nov 30 2018

Donald Trump used to own a whole airline. He purchased the Eastern Shuttle in 1989 and renamed it the Trump Shuttle. He lost $100 million on the deal, and also lost big in a takeover attempt of American Airlines the same year. The Trump Shuttle is now the American Airlines shuttle.

Trump does still own a Boeing 757 (as well as a Cessna). He acquired the jet in 2011.

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